Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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Новости и инаугурации
Building a great future: strengthening the brand identity for successful positioning - the focus of the LUBE 2019 Convention

Success: a word and a theme that has constantly distinguished Gruppo LUBE over recent years. Success that has been achieved in the extraordinary victories of the LUBE Volley team but above all in the strategies implemented by Italy’s leading kitchen brand. Success: the underlying theme of the entire convention held by Gruppo LUBE at the Civitanova Marche Trade Fair Centre on 18 October.

The convention offers a major opportunity to provide an update on the excellent performance of the Group over the recent period, on market trends and on the strategies and objectives that LUBE intends to pursue in the near future. It was held before an audience of over 1,000 customers, journalists and local authorities, leading names from the political spectrum, such as the MP Giancarlo Giorgetti and top management representatives of the main Eldom group partners of Gruppo LUBE such as Electrolux and Beko.

Building a great future is the focus of the entire event. Building a future by observing the present, with a clear mission in mind and anticipating change: these were the words used by the CEO of Gruppo LUBE, Fabio Giulianelli, at the start of the convention. Success in the future will only be achieved and consolidated by those who have a long-term vision and the courage to seek change.

The convention not only offered the chance to present the Group’s performance, but also evolution of the strategy that has allowed these significant results to be obtained. As always, the customer and the Store remain at the heart of the strategy and the core business of the LUBE brand.

Inaugurations of new LUBE and CREO Kitchens Stores continue throughout Italy and abroad. These two separate and distinct identities clive under the same roof of the Gruppo LUBE “parent company”, but have two different targets and therefore need independent spaces.

The store remains at the centre of the Group’s vision and the emotion and memorable experience of purchasing are confirmed as central strategies for LUBE. The concept of BEING LUBE was reiterated many times at the convention, as not just two simple words, but as a way of creating and experiencing a kitchen, a home and a lifestyle. This set of shared and tangible values take shape in the numerous Stores. BEING is a sum of the elements that characterise the LUBE world and define its identity.

The financial data certifies the economic and financial sustainability of the Group strategy, with the Stores as one of its cornerstones. The store and the value of quality and specialisation are also central to the communication campaigns launched by LUBE over recent years: quality first and foremost, with a no-nonsense approach.

The LUBE brand has confirmed its top place in the ranking of kitchen manufacturers in terms of national market share. This achievement is the result of a set of factors such as product, service, stores, communication and many others, which have created a perception of the brand as the point of reference in the kitchen segment over time.

The objective over the coming months will be to continue increasing the market share and positioning the brand as a market reference for both the medium-range target and up to the Italian design range, through launch of the DESIGN COLLECTION, clearly confirming the identity and the independent power of expression of the Group and the CREO Kitchens brand, which has consolidated its market position over recent years with two-figure growth in 2018/2019.

The most important element is “value for money”: market research indicates that the CREO brand is the one perceived by operators as having the best price/quality ratio.

This is precisely the content of the new press, poster and radio advertising campaign of the brand that will start on 19 October. In this campaign, the CREO Kitchens brand will be pitted against the world of cut-price kitchens of dubious quality and even more dubious guarantees, warning its public against accepting simple convenience and inviting them to aspire to a genuine purchasing experience that is modern, safe, satisfying and totally professional.

The new CREO Kitchens brand campaign is also taking a clear stance with respect to the large-scale retail trade. The aim is to confirm to the group’s target that it offers a valid alternative to it, based on awareness of the value, quality and guarantee that belonging to an excellent Group such as LUBE provides.

Gruppo LUBE ended the convention with these results and the new objectives, wishing everyone present a year full of success and providing its guests with an unforgettable moment of celebration, for both the cups won in the last season by the LUBE Volley team and for the milestones reached by the Group, with an exclusive evening of entertainment conducted by Diletta Leotta and Marco Mazzochi, including a concert by Italian singer, Gianna Nannini.

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Cucine LUBE

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