Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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Neuigkeiten und Einweihungen
The Courage of Ideas at Lube Group

Lube Group presents the extraordinary results achieved in the last term during Osservatorio Lube.

Treia, July 2015. On Saturday July 25 Lube & Creo Opening Milano 2015 took place in Milan: a two-day longed-for celebration that for the first time put together about one thousand Italian and international customers and over 500 people between employees and their families. The event was an important opportunity to analyse and discuss the current market situation and the directions for the future. This year Lube Group has reaffirmed its important role on the national and international market thanks to a careful sales strategy that has allowed the company to make correct estimates on future consumption.

The party started with the inauguration of two large showrooms, one for Cucine Lube, in the heart of Milan, Corso Sempione 2 and one for Creo Kitchens in Trezzano sul Naviglio, Via Cellini Benvenuto 2, in the province of Milan. In an area of 280 sqm and 250 sqm, respectively, visitors will admire a vast selection of models from the large Lube and Creo collections, having a proof of the quality of each single model.

Then, it was the turn of Fabio Giulianelli, Lube Group CEO, and Luciano Sileoni, the Group's President and founder, who gathered all visitors at Teatro Dal Verme di Milano to open the famous Osservatorio Lube; this year the topic for discussion was: The Courage of Ideas. Extraordinary results have been achieved by Lube Group during the first six months of 2015 with courageous investments in research and innovation, in spite of the economic situation, and with the development of sales policies focused on customer needs. The company has increased its sales by 12% even if the market has dropped by 1%.

The monthly progress of the last term is impressive, with +22% in April, +11% in May, +22% in June and +18% forecast in July. The turnover increase is due to the increment recorded by Creo Kitchens that has doubled its sales in six months compared to the same period of last year, being positioned in the consumption range of customers who are looking for quality products with a competitive price.

The investments made to support customers in trade shows and flagship stores were also very important, with over 18,500 sqm of stands in 7 months and 68 new or renovated shops.

To satisfy customer needs as fast as possible Lube Group has planned an 12-month investment of 6 millions € to construct a building and set up a plant for “just in time” production of door panels directly from raw material bars. It will be an unprecedented system in Italy.

“Through Osservatorio Lube we want to pass on a positive message” Fabio Giulianelli said. “After a long crisis in Italy we have a fertile soil in front of us given the extremely favourable market conditions. This is the right time to believe in our ideas and keep on investing. We have achieved important results and introduced great innovations, getting ready for the future. We love sharing our success with customers and employees, and for this reason we want to celebrate to transmit our passion, energy and enthusiasm: because Lube is like this”.

The event closed on Sunday July 26, when Lube Group took more than 500 employees along with all its customers to visit Expo Milano 2015. This initiative reaffirmed the Group's international ambition and was an opportunity to visit a world-famous cultural event where all Countries exhibit the best of their technologies with the aim of finding a solution to the planet's food issue.

Küchen Wohnzimmer
Cucine LUBE

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